Our efficacy rating measures the vaccine’s ability to contain the effects of COVID-19 in each individual county within the United States. The higher the efficacy rating, the less that community was impacted by the pandemic. We found a direct correlation between higher vaccination rates and higher efficacy ratings, proving that vaccines allow communities to have better responses to COVID-19.
🟥Red Counties (0-30): Many deaths and cases, Low vaccination rates, high chances of endemics
🟨Yellow Counties (30-60): Moderate deaths and cases, Average vaccination rates, possibility of endemics
🟩Green Counties (60+): Few deaths and cases, high vaccination rates, low chances of endemics
Efficacy Formula: Vaccine rate/((Cases+(Deaths*91.9127508))/Population) * 0.5
The cases-to-death ratio in the United States is 91.9127508. Deaths were multiplied by this constant to ensure that cases and deaths have equal significance in determining efficacy.
Cases and Adjusted Deaths are divided by Population as regions with more people have a higher incidence of pathogen manifestation.
Vaccination rate contributes to efficacy. Cases and Adjusted Deaths as a proportion of Population hinder efficacy.
Constant of 0.5 ensures most efficacies fall between 0 and 100 except in instances of exceptional COVID-19 control, in which efficacy can exceed 100.
Disclaimer: It is important to note that while all our data was obtained from reliable, primary sources, the team at End to an Endemic is NOT medically licensed. Our efficacy rating merely assigns a number from 1-100 to counties based on the extrapolation of public data. Findings and conclusions should not be used in surveys, studies, or potential COVID-19 research.