
Our efficacy rating measures the vaccine’s ability to contain the effects of COVID-19 in each individual county within the United States. The higher the efficacy rating, the less that community was impacted by the pandemic. We found a direct correlation between higher vaccination rates and higher efficacy ratings, proving that vaccines allow communities to have better responses to COVID-19. 

🟥Red Counties (0-30): Many deaths and cases, Low vaccination rates, high chances of endemics
🟨Yellow Counties (30-60): Moderate deaths and cases, Average vaccination rates, possibility of endemics

🟩Green Counties (60+): Few deaths and cases, high vaccination rates, low chances of endemics 

Efficacy Formula: Vaccine rate/((Cases+(Deaths*91.9127508))/Population) * 0.5

Disclaimer: It is important to note that while all our data was obtained from reliable, primary sources, the team at End to an Endemic is NOT medically licensed. Our efficacy rating merely assigns a number from 1-100 to counties based on the extrapolation of public data. Findings and conclusions should not be used in surveys, studies, or potential COVID-19 research.